Book Three Now Has a Name

I’m happy to announce that book three in the Reaper series now has a name. After several conversations with my publisher, we’ve mutually agreed on one. The title is….drum roll please…Oh, did I tell you that I’ve submitted the third book to my publisher to begin red ink edits?


You want to know the title?

Oh, my mistake. Forgive me, I’m easily distracted. The title is:

Reaper’s Requiem.

We’re targeting a fall release for this book. I’ll keep you all informed of any updates as they become available.


Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author

Writing Vacation Over and an Exciting Announcement

Greetings all,

How is everyone doing today? I have to say that today is a great day! I enjoyed my little writing vacation and on July 1st, I jumped right back into editing the third book of the Reaper series. I’m happy to announce that I completed my set of rewrites/edits and I will be submitting the manuscript to my publisher to start the red ink edits. I have a few more tweeks I want to do and then I’ll be sending in the manuscript.

I’m very happy with how the book turned out. I had a concept when I started and it grew from there. We’re looking at a fall release. I will keep you all updated as announcements come available.

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author