Cover Reveal

Resuscitation Print Cover

I’m proud to reveal the paperback cover for Resuscitation. The artwork is provided by Rebbekah White, the cover artist for Master Koda Select Publishing, the publisher for the Reaper Series. A release date for the paperback hasn’t been determined yet. The third book in the series, Reaper’s Requiem, will also have a paperback version released in the very near future.

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Interview by Sara Downard

Interview of Jerrid Edgington
By Sara Downard


I was beyond excited to do this interview with Jerrid Edgington, the man behind the griping medical suspence/thriller series Racing the Reaper. Jerrid is a Paramedic for LeFlore County EMS in Poteau, Oklahoma, a father, and husband.

The first book Racing the Reaper was referred to me by a friend as a “must read”, and it didn’t take long before I knew why. A possitivily brilliant connection and insight of the emergency medical services field and mind griping suspence a reader could ever wish for. Jerrid writes in a way that is visual for the reader, and so they connect with the main character.


What made you choose emergency medical services for your carrier?

When I was 22 years old, I worked for a division of Stanley Tools. I suffered a spinal cord injury playing city league softball that left me completely paralyzed. After four days, only the right side of my body was paralyzed. After a long year of grueling physical therapy, I made a full recovery without any deficits. My neurologist told me that had the paramedics not taken such good care of me, I could’ve suffered permanent damage. It was after that I gained an interest in EMS.


When did you become a Paramedic?

After two years of working as a basic EMT, I wanted to further my education. I applied and was accepted into a local paramedic program. Upon completion of the course and all of the hospital/ride along time required, I successfully passed all of the practical/written exams on my first attempt.


When did you first have the idea to write your first novel?

I had been toying around with the idea of writing a book for several years. Every time I began to write one, for one reason or another, I never finished it. In 2012, I took up writing again. This time, the book came to life and my fingers couldn’t keep up with my mind. I look at the very first completed manuscript, and what Racing the Reaper became, and they were two completely different books. It’s amazing how a rough idea can flourish into the book it ended up becoming.


Are there any types of scenes that you find more challenging to write than others?

I find that writing the scene descriptions is my Achilles heel. When it comes to the action scenes, I feel most comfortable, but when it comes to describing a scene, that’s the part I struggle with the most. I feel like I have so much more to learn when it comes to the craft of writing.


Is it true that you are working on the fourth and last installment of the Reaper series currently?

Yes. I’m currently working on Revenge of the Reaper, the final book in the series. I’m sitting at 30,000 words presently. I don’t put a word count that I aim for in my books, but rather let the story dictate what the final word count will end up at.


Do you have any ideas for future writing projects?

My next writing project is going to be my first Christian Fiction novel called Mass Casualty. It will also be medically based. They say we write what we know. It’s going to be my first crack at writing Christian Fiction. I only hope that I’ll be able to write it as well as the Reaper Series.


Who or What inspires you as an author?

First and foremost, my readers. Each time I receive an e-mail from one of my readers, or they post a review on my books, that fuels my desire to continue writing. When I first began writing, I never imagined people would enjoy my books as much as they do; though I hoped. Also, Candace Calvert, my favorite Christian Fiction author inspires me. She’s been kind enough to offer me guidance through my voyage of learning the craft of writing.




When you are not working as a Paramedic or writing what do you like to do?

I have become an avid fisherman. There is nothing I enjoy more that tossing a hook in the water. I grew up on rivers, fishing, as a child, but then I moved to the big cities. Two years ago I got “the bug” and spend any chance I can on the lake fishing. I always thought that was an old man sport. So does that mean I’m getting old? Lol.


What is something your readers would be surprised to know about you?

I played several years of Semi-Pro football. The funny thing is I didn’t really become a good football player until my adult years. I played my last game three years ago, and it was hard walking away from the sport I love. In my last game, I finally got my first quarterback sack. I spent the rest of the game getting punished by our opponents for it to. Lol.


Finally, Do you have any words of advice or inspiration to give to your readers?

I want to take the opportunity to thank all of my readers for reading my books. This is the reason that I write, so you’ll be entertained. Every time a writer releases a book, they’re giving a part of their soul for the world to read, enjoy, and judge. Quite honestly, it’s scary. The most exciting and terrifying moment in my life is when I release a book. Thank you for believing in me and I hope the next book doesn’t let you all down.

Also, I want to thank Sara for taking the time to create these wonderful questions.







In Book one, Racing the Reaper, Readers will admire Jacob’s perseverance. Jacob over-comes a accident that could have left him paralazed to enter into the field of emergency medicine,only to be stalked by a patient, and things go terribly wrong from that point. The ending of the book leaves you hanging, with no more pages to turn.


Book two, Resusitation, Jacob Meyers is back with fast paced, suspence filled pages that grab the readers attention. He moves to start over, only to find that situations start to threaten his career, not mention his life. This book has twists and turns that has the reader gripping the pages, and sitting on the edge of their seat. Only wanting to read more.


Book three, Reaper’s Requiem, Jacob Meyers moves back to Oklahoma to try and regain himself and has the readers wondering if he will ever catch a break. With more heart stopping suspence and situations that the reader will be surprised for the outcome.



Title of Book Four in the Reaper Series

After discussing the title of book four with my publisher, we’ve decided to rename the final act in the Reaper Series. The new and final title is……Revenge of the Reaper.

I’m back to working on it and hopefully will have a May release. I will keep you all updated on the progress of the final book in the series. It has been a great voyage writing about Jacob Myers. Even though he’s a fictional character, I’ve come to enjoy the time we’ve spent together.

Read On!!!

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author

A New Year….A New Book Coming

Hello all. I hope your holidays went well and the new year finds you achieving any goals you’ve set for yourself. My holidays were good, and I’ve been back to work now for three weeks. My back is holding up, so far (fingers crossed). Now that I’ve taken a little self imposed vacation from writing, I’m back at writing and working on book 4, the final book in the Reaper Series. I had a working title, but my publisher has suggested a different one, so I’ll announce the final title once we come to an agreement.

I must say this is going to be hard saying goodbye to Jacob Myers. Though he’s a fictional character, I’ve come to love writing about him and his adventures. I feel that his time has come to end the series. The one thing I didn’t want to do when I started writing was draw the series out too long. The reception I’ve received about Reaper’s Requiem has been incredible. I’m hoping to carry that momentum onto the final book. We have a target of May 2015 for release, but depending on the editing phase, it could be extended. But I’m hopeful it will be ready by then. Until then….read on!!!

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author