Continue or Not Continue? That is the Question.

Hell all. I hope life is treating you well. Yes….it has been quite a while since I have posted on here. School has taken up so much of my time that I do not know which way is up anymore. Sad thing is I am almost half way through to a degree in nursing. So much to do and so little time (sigh).

So, I have been thinking a lot about my Racing the Reaper Series, and I am trying to decide if I should add another book to the series. When I first signed with my publisher, the contract was four a three book series, but we added another to it. I love writing about Jacob Myers, but I do not want the content to become boring or predictable.

My question is do you think I should add another book to the series? Book four, Revenge of the Reaper, was my best book yet, I think anyway. For those of you that have read it, do you think I can top that one? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author

Greetings To All of My Readers

Hello all. My goodness it has been quite a while since I have written on my blog. Time flies by in the blink of an eye. My first semester of college is in the books. I am proud to say that I finished with straight A’s in all six of my classes. I have a way to go yet, but I am off on the right foot. I have learned that you are never too old to go back to school and that you can teach an old dog new tricks.

I had a great English Comp instructor, she was tough, but I found out how much I dislike academic writing. I much prefer writing fiction. With that being said, I will get back to writing as time allows. I miss it very much. Jacob keeps talking to me about how he wants to continue his adventures in the Reaper Series for you all. As I have said before, I do not want my books to become boring and predictable. As long as I can come up with a strong storyline, I will continue the series. If not, I have another great series planned.

I will eventually introduce you all to Flynn Bowen. He is a former paramedic turned RN. With all that I have planned for that series, I will say that you will not be disappointed. He has a lot to say and share with you all. I am excited for the future in my writing career. I promise that I will work harder at keeping you all up to date on the progress to in my writing.

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic, RN Student, & Writer

Sorry It Has Been a While

How are y’all doing? Sorry I haven’t blogged much lately. I have been up to my ears with college courses. I am taking 16 credit hours this semester. What was I thinking? I have ten prerequisite classes I need for the paramedic to RN transition program I am going into. After 20 years on the ambulance, I decided it was time to further my education.

So far I’m doing pretty well. I received an A on my first Nutrition exam this week. I feel like this is my toughest class this semester. I am going to take a few classes this summer, so my fall semester will be easier. Just have to survive this semester first.

I will continue writing once I have completed school. I still haven’t decided if I’m going to continue the Reaper Series, or start my new set of books, the Flynn Bowen Series. I have plenty of time to make that decision.

Thank you all for reading my books. I am eternally grateful!

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Author

Top 5 Reasons Why I Write

Recently I’ve been asked why do I write. It got me to thinking, so I decided that I would jot down the top five reasons why:

#5 I’ll get rich, right?

Let me tell you. If you think you’ll get rich writing (unless you’re James Patterson) you’re sadly mistaken. I often thought this myself and after I published my first book, I was slapped in the face with a cold and harsh reality. With as much work, time, and effort it takes to write a book, I would gather to say I ended up in the negative with pay compared to work. This, of course, wasn’t my driving force. We’ll get to that in a little bit.

#4 I’ll become famous and people will want my autograph.

After writing that sentence I had to laugh out loud. I have been asked to autograph my book, which I’m still not comfortable with since I’m really a nobody in the writing world, but I’m far from becoming famous. I do have a following of readers that I converse with and I enjoy talking about my books with them. In fact, I converse with people from Brazil, New Zealand, and Australia on a regular basis. I never in a million years would’ve thought my books would be read globally. Of course, I never in a million years thought I would write a book. Guess I was wrong about that one.

#3 It’s easy and I could write ten books a year.

(Again, laughing out loud) Before I became a writer I thought it didn’t take much work to write a book. It’s as simple as putting pen to paper. Boy was I wrong! It takes me, on the average, six months from start to finish for a book. The easiest part is the first draft. Then comes the multiple rounds of editing, proof reading, copy editing, and then editing more. If the whole process could be as easy as writing the first draft, I probably could write that many in a year. As it stands, two books a year is going to be my max. Maybe when I become a better writer and I’m more organized with the prep work, that might be possible. But for now, two books a year is all I’m capable of.

#2 Oprah Winfrey will want me on her show.

This, I’m sure, will never happen. There are so many talented writers out there that I probably would have a better shot at being a first round draft pick in the next NFL draft. As nice as it would be, I’m happy with where I’m at in my writing career. I don’t think I’m anywhere near the level of a writer to be on her show, yet.

And the number one reason why I write…..

Drum roll please…..

#1 I have a story to tell.

The other four reasons were things I thought before I became a writer. I come up with these ideas for books full of conflict and real life situations I think anyone can relate to. How often have you read a book and thought, “No, that isn’t real.” and felt dissatisfied with it? I like to take things that happen everyday and build a story around them. Just like in my first book, Racing the Reaper, I get comments all of the time from people in EMS/Fire saying they remember what it was like being a rookie like the main character, Jacob. I try to provide stories of real life with a  touch of creativity mixed it, to keep it exciting. As long as the stories worthy of telling burrow their ways into my head, I’ll keep writing.

Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic & Writer

My apologies

Greetings all. I have to apologize to all of you that are following my blog. I’ve been consumed with working on my next book and mastering my craft with studying the art of writing. I tend to become so focused with the task at hand that I end up forgetting about keeping up with my social media outlets.

Reapers Requiem, the third book in the Reaper Series, is in line to begin edits with my publisher. There are a few books ahead of me, so I must wait my turn. I’m very excited with the third installment to the series. This book took me a lot longer to write than the previous two, but I believe you all will be happy with it, I hope anyways.

An update on Faith Tested. I’ve decided to take the main plot a different direction that I originally had written it. I’m tearing the manuscript apart and rewriting a majority of it. My favorite author, Candace Calvert, suggested a book about writing called The Breakout Novel by David Maass, and things I’ve learned from that book have opened my eyes on how to strengthen the plot and character conflict. With that being said, I’m completely overhauling the book. I believe that it will be a much stronger novel now.

I’m tossing around the idea of doing some video blogs, so look for that to be coming in the near future. Thank you all again for following my blog, I’m very humbled by the gesture.


Jerrid Edgington
Paramedic and Author