WOW Spotlight for Arelene O’Neil

I am proud to WOW one of the fellow writers in the Master Koda Publishing house, Arlene O’Neil. She’s a very talented writer and also an incredible editor in our house. If you’ve read any of my books, she’s the one responsible for the editing. Go check out her books, you won’t be sorry.

Biography of Arlene R. O’Neil

“Writing is what lights me up,” states Arlene R. O’Neil. “Being a visual writer, I love seeing my work come to life: to take the reader with me on a journey word by word: to touch a reader whether through laughter or tears.” Her current book, “Broken Spokes,” refers to broken bones, broken bike, and broken spirit. It speaks to the reader of determination, of survival, of inspiration.
Born and raised in Connecticut, Mrs. O’Neil moved to South Carolina to work on her second novel, which will relate the roller coaster life of being the parent of a Soldier on active duty. O’Neil says, “My son, SGT Tanner O’Neil, is a member of the United States Army and the joy, pride, and love of my life. After five tours of duty to active war zones, I feel the need to share my experience with other parents in hope of lessening their fears.” SGT O’Neil recently returned from his 5th combat tour.
Currently Arlene lives with her two Labradors, Holly and Bruno, and her adorable pet goats, Paxton, JaeJay, Rupert, Patches, and Frosty. “These amazing characters have helped me through some incredibly difficult times and I love them dearly.”
Aside from writing, supporting her son while deployed, and caring for her animals, Arlene lives on 3 ½ acres of land that she and her beloved animals enjoy.
An author, editor and proofreader, Arlene R. O’Neil may be contacted at


Broken Spokes Excerpt

I felt the moisture begin to collect in the corners of my eyes. NO! I will NOT cry! I will close my eyes, tight, tighter, as tight as I can. If I can read a story and imagine myself in there, I can write my OWN book now…my very own Christmas Eve! I will escape from here and go home with my family. Slowly I began to imagine myself sitting at home, in front of the biggest, most beautiful green tree, laced with sparkling lights and ornaments, sprayed with fake glistening snow. Under the tree were hundreds of presents, all different sizes, all perfectly wrapped, all tied with colorful shiny ribbons and accented with bows. I walked over, sat on Grandma’s lap, and gave her a big, big hug. “I love you, Grandma.” I whispered as I kissed her wrinkled cheek.
“Hey Iris. Can you put on another pot of coffee? We’re running low out here. Mike…go downstairs and grab a few more folding chairs. Your aunt doesn’t have a place to sit. Little Weasel, go get Grandpa a napkin okay?”

I jumped off Grandma’s lap and ran to the kitchen, while Dad’s voice thundered above the noise. Christmas music flooded the room, as laughter and conversation came from every direction, the clang of dirty dishes, pots and pans being placed in the sink for a later time, squeals of joy, and a barrage of “Thank you. I love it,” from those whose feet were covered in torn wrapping paper.

It was time to go. Leftover food was quickly stored in the refrigerator. Coats and hats were donned as cars warmed up in the driveway and on the street. We were all off to Midnight Mass, where Micheal would sing “O Holy Night,” a cappella. Dad and Mike both had such amazing voices, yet this is where my brother would shine…his crystal tones reaching the far corners of a church, filled to capacity.

Silence fell over the congregation as Micheal took his place on the altar waiting for his cue. Every eye was upon him as he began, and a roar of applause followed his final note. Soon, we were back home, listening to Dad play the guitar while the harmony of holiday music lulled me to sleep, snugly tucked in the corner of the couch, my head resting on Mom’s lap. No Christmas Eve had ever been so perfect.

“Merry Christmas girls,” announced Nurse Brown as she strode through the ward. “Today is Christmas Day. We need to eat, brush our teeth, change, and go to the auditorium to see Santa. Hurry along now; we don’t want to make Santa wait.”

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I started to awaken. Where am I? I was home a minute ago. Where are Mike, and Grandma? Where did Daddy go? Mommy…where are you?
It was a dream. It was only a dream. I was still in the hospital, still stuck in bed, still wearing these stupid braces.




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Honorable Mention Arlene R O’neil

Please Help Us Welcome – Author Arlene O’Neil!!

Arlene R. O’Neil Blog Tour!


Master Koda Select Publishing Books

My publisher, Master Koda Select Publishing, is a great small press publisher that I’m very proud to belong to. There’s a saying, “We are small, but we are mighty” around our house. There are several great authors that have several great books. I would love to spotlight each and every individual author, but that would take precious time away from my writing that I barely have as it is. I have posted a link to the page that on our publishing house website that features books from these great authors. If you enjoy a great read, there are several to choose from. Tell all your friends about us!

Author Spotlight-Yasmin Correa


Hiya All!

As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved the art of literature. I’ve enjoyed many a story in many different genres, my favorite being Romance. More specifically, Paranormal Romance. A couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted to try my hand at writing a story of my own. And when I made the choice, there was no going back. My passion for reading, became my passion for writing. With that, my own personal style developed along with my writing genre of choice – that being “Interracial Paranormal Romance”. I do however, intend on trying my hand in many different genres in years to come.

I come from humble beginnings. Brought up in the “ghetto”, I made a choice long ago, that I would not let my past define my future. And, I’ve been lucky to accomplish many things in my life – but I have got to say, that the one thing that sparks a fire in my soul like nothing ever has, is Writing. I feel as though my characters are my very best friends. It’s a feeling beyond compare, and an amazing journey each and every time. Withal, my only hope is that when someone reads my stories, they too are elevated into that world and taken on that journey.

Regards always,
Y. Correa

The year 1585. The Anglo-Spanish War. England’s greed for Spain’s crops, land, and supplies gives birth to the inertia of intolerance on both sides. Yet, even then, Love surges forth.MarcoAntonio, a Spanish gentleman and knight, defied all boundaries of color and culture, when setting eyes on the English lady Amaryllis. Although to others, he may be a bit reserved, he dares to lower his defenses solely for her.

Amaryllis is an English lady. One with an open heart, gentle spirit, and shining eloquence. She knew that she should not desire MarcoAntonio. Still, a love feeling so right couldn’t be so horribly wrong!

Travel with MarcoAntonio and Amaryllis as they duel with internal and external forces threatening to tear their powerful love apart. In the midst of troubles the likes of which have no compare, MarcoAntonio and Amaryllis find themselves having to fight the most unexpected of adversaries, just for the right to love each other.

Discover why their LOVE is the result of ALL things conquered!


It was still dark, but it did not matter. MarcoAntonio was certain that his brother would provide him help. Pulling up to his brother’s home, Marco called out, “Damian!” The lights inside were out, but upon his call Marco heard some movement, so he tried again. “Damian, despertad. He llegado en necesidad de vuestra ayuda, hermano.”

You know that I do not require much of anything. However, t’would be nice if you would at least give me the respect of speaking in English.” Rye spoke ironically as he did so well.

Alright,” Marco responded with a tiny smirk, as he walked towards his brother’s dormitory door and knocked. He could already hear his brother up and about. “Damian, my brother, I’ve come in search of you because I need your help.”

Yes. Yes. I’m coming!” he heard Damian call to him from inside. Suddenly, a female voice giggled from behind the door. Marco and Rye heard Damian hushing someone “Shhh… behave, Ma’ Lady. I’ve company. ‘Tis my older brother. Now behave.” Marco heard Damian speak to the lady in question lightheartedly.

The female voice replied, “Alright, but only if you gift me first, a kiss.”

Oh, Ma’ Lady… naughty, naughty.” The female laughed.

Rye was appalled and disgusted. “Really, Marco? This playboy ’tis the man that shall help us?”


Fine.” He crossed his arms on his chest.

In just seconds the door flew open. Behind it stood a statuesque man of about MarcoAntonio’s height, weight, and color, and as strong as well. His curls were looser than Marco’s. His eyes green, as opposed to Marco’s brown, and he bore no facial hair. He resembled Marco quite a lot. He fought to put his shirt on properly.

Rye’s face went blank. His skin went pale, eyes opened widely. Then Damian spoke. “Ah, my dear brother. How may I assist you?” Finally adjusting his shirt in the right place, Damian made space through the door way, and extended his hand out to his company. “Come in. Come in.”

Brother!” MarcoAntonio said with glee, and gave him a big hug.

Marco. ‘Tis been way too long.”

Yes. Indeed.”

Both Marco and Rye walked in. Rye was practically mute. Something about this man, not only resembled Marco, but also reminded him so much of Fonso. He was flabbergasted.

Damian, this is my assistant, Rye. Rye, this is my younger brother, Damian.”

Damian extended his hand offering Rye a shake. Rye moved slowly and awkwardly, offering Damian his. “’Tis a rather small man, brother.” Damian told MarcoAntonio in an odd tone, as if Rye were not standing right in front of him.

Shaking himself back into reality, Rye spoke. “We gypsies have no need for size or strength. We’ve speed, agility and intelligence in our favor,”

Touché!” Damian replied. “Well, ’tis nice meeting you.”

Damian’s conquest for the night peeked around the corner of the wall, which divided his living room from his bedroom, and she assessed the men in the room. Then glancing over at Damian with coquetry she queried with a flirting delivery. “Damian, will you have me waiting all night?”

Damian looked back at her, and then at his visitors. Lifting a single finger in their direction, he hinted to them to wait a moment. “Ah. Ma’ Lady, I’ve something for you.” He jumped towards a shelf and grabbed something, then jumped back in her direction. “Ma’ Lady, please accept this trinket of my affection. And know that the rarity of this represents the rareness of my sentiment for you.” Then he placed the small box in the palm of her hand. “Now Ma’ Lady, I must tend to my brother and his companion, and I am forced to ask you to relinquish our venture for the night.” He took hold of her hand and kissed the back of it softly and winked. The girl sighed with a mixture of disappointment and rapture.


WOW Author Spotlight-John Augustine

After missing a few weeks of author spotlights, I have my computer repaired making it easy to support my fellow authors with Master Koda Select Publishing. This week I have the pleasure of having John Augustine on my blog. I read his first book, From the Abyss, and it was a great read. I can only imagine the second book will be just as good, if not better.



Having survived an abusive marriage, thirty-year-old John Augustine finds himself venturing into new territory. A girl with a son of her own lives far away but decides to uproot her life and make the move to be with John. However, John’s ex looms in the wings, and her fears of John’s new family situation threaten John’s relationship with his new wife, her son, and even his own son. A greater threat is John’s lack of time, as working two jobs and taking night classes leaves John’s new wife feeling alone and vulnerable in a strange town. Relationships will take dangerous turns, and chances will not return when John is faced with a crossroads for which he could never have prepared.


“I loved the first book and this one did not disappoint. John Emil Augustine’s writing style is just so smooth and easy to fall into. Right away I felt like I knew the characters. His books are quick reads that, as a reader, I didn’t want to put down. I can’t wait for his third book to come out. That will make it a perfect trilogy. This book is very realistic, bold and heartbreaking at the same time. I so enjoyed the honesty and the rawness of this story. I didn’t want to put it down because I NEEDED to know what was going to happen next. I am so happy to have come across such a great writer. I hope he becomes very famous one day. I could see that happening as his talent should be shared with the world.”

“Brave, Bold, and Intense! In John Emil Augustine’s second book you read and feel his love, anger, thoughts, and decision for family, friends, career, and financial security. His provocative and evocative detail intensify his journey. At times it is abrasive and seemingly insurmountable. Augustine holds the attention of the reader as he questions, searches, and moves forward. He grows from a kitten in the first book to a cat securing his territory in book two. The book did not end, I wanted more, and see the possibilities for book three. Excellent writing and read.”

“The second book of John Emil Augustine pulls you into his life from where he stopped in the first book. A biography of his struggles about life, God, marriage, relationships and intimacy. Meeting a woman and her son to begin their own family. It will shock you in many ways. His frankness and blunt, no-nonsense way of writing bring a tale of sorrow, survival, and love and make it a great read.”


John Emil Augustine grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota and toured in his twenties and early thirties with local and national acts; writing, arranging, and performing with notable jazz, blues, gospel, reggae, post funk, prog rock, and folk groups. John has also been a landscaper, mail carrier, English professor, and forklift operator. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife and four boys. John is the author of the From the Abyss book series and has also recorded the album Chants for Renewal, Presence and Awareness.


Lindbergh Field

My plane touched down in San Diego, and I immediately texted two words once my phone rebooted: “Just landed.” It was a Thursday evening in May, 2005. The captain thanked us for flying as the plane taxied across the sunny pavement. The scene from my window a few minutes before had been beautiful as we made the final turn onto the runway below. The city sitting on the edge of the ocean looked a lot like Minneapolis, though Minneapolis was a river town. But the size of San Diego’s downtown, and the sparse reflective skyscrapers reminded me of my own city. Only the extra presence of the ocean, blue and sparkling through my tiny airplane window, reminded me that I was not in Minneapolis.

What was I doing? I hadn’t been on an airplane since I was a kid. I didn’t travel. People with established lives traveled. Business people like the ones in the cheap suits surrounding me, the uniform of self-proclaimed importance, traveled to places like San Diego. I did not. This was not me at all. No one even knew I was doing this. My family didn’t know I was gone. My ex-wife and my son knew nothing of my trip. Only my buddy Roland, whose house I was living in while he waited for the new occupants to take possession, knew of my trip. I was otherwise homeless, and he wanted his house to be occupied, so it was a mutually helpful arrangement. Except that I would be away for five days. So I had to let him know I would be gone. He was the only one who knew anything of my trip.

I sat in my seat watching everyone scramble for their carry-ons in the overhead compartments. Mine was up there, my only bag, but I wasn’t in a hurry to get to a rental car or go find a second suitcase in the baggage claim. I didn’t need either. So I just waited. A reply to my text came back: “I am here.”

“Still on plane,” I replied.

This was crazy. Like something out of a terrible movie with a plot I abhorred. One minute, I had been tallying the final grades for my last class of the semester, the next I was sitting on a plane in San Diego texting someone I had never seen in person. Was I insane? Stupid? Completely gullible? What ridiculous turn of events had put me here? Like a fading dream, I almost couldn’t remember. I should have learned my lesson by now, by age thirty. I should have been wise to the trickery I was perhaps subjecting myself to. Why wasn’t I smarter than this?




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Author Spotlight-What She Knew



Fateful Night:

Did Marilyn Monroe commit suicide? Did someone get away with an elaborate plot to murder the famous sex goddess? On that “Fateful Night” in August 1962 find out what may have happened to her and why she was killed. Many argue that she was involved in way too many secrets from different factions of the world. She was a smart woman who could play the dumb blonde to attain her stardom yet she unwittingly learned of conspiracy plots and political threats that would not only end her life but that of the current president, John F. Kennedy.

In this fast paced suspense every major player of the early sixties is involved, from the world politicians, to the Rat Pack, to Hollywood, and the mafia. What if Marilyn Monroe had lived and what if what she knew could have saved JFK?
Fact or fiction? What if….

Darkest Day:

On the tragic day of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the nation mourns the loss of a president who stood for radical change and whose charisma carried him through the masses with never before seen devotion. Kennedy’s determination to pay the U.S. back for his good fortune never wavered, with a presidency riddled in strife from the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Cold War and finally to the Vietnam conflict nothing was easy for him.

In this fictional novel, Kennedy isn’t on a world tour or even in Texas in 1963. Instead he is in the Alps recovering from back surgery, a ruse that he had planned with Bobby, and his double months in advance of the tour. With the oval office tapped and the ever present Bobby running interference there was little likelihood that anyone would realize this was not the president. In fact, no one did.

Now, the world believes their beloved president is dead, there is no going back for Jack. While the decisions are difficult, it is far better to leave his ‘death’ alone than to risk political failure for his family clan and ridicule for his young widow.

Kennedy must now take on another face, name, and identity. Who is behind the assassination? What was the ultimate goal in killing the president? Was it to topple the American government and take down the Kennedy’s with it? Find out in this action packed conspiracy novel.


Author BIO’s:

K R Hughes is a native Texan with a degree in English.  She has written historical fiction novels under the pen name Kymber Lee.  Treasured Love is published by Tate Publishing can be purchased at any major book seller.  Look for other titles coming in 2014.  Hughes helps with literacy programs and tutors college students.

T L Burns is from California and is the foremost researcher extraordinaire and historical guru in this adventure.  Burns has spent the majority of her adult life working with at risk kids and adults.

K.R. currently resides in Atlanta, GA and T.L. currently resides in Las Vegas, NV. Though the distance between them makes it more challenging to write, the two authors do their best to write, research and market every chance they get. They both feel it is important to encourage budding authors to follow their dreams, and they do so every chance they get.

Fateful Night, book one in the What She Knew Trilogy is available on Amazon in Kindle format. The authors anticipate the paperback version to be out soon.

Book two, Darkest Day, is also available on Amazon in Kindle format.

Book three, the final sequel of the trilogy, is in the works.






You can purchase either book at the following links:

International link for Fateful Night:

International link for Darkest Day:

Author Spotlight for Douglas Davis


DW Davis is an independent author of young adult romance novels told from the guy’s perspective. RIVER DREAM was his first novel. DREAMS CHANGE and DREAMS ADRIFT continue the story begun in RIVER DREAM.

DW’s writing reflects his memories growing up along the North Carolina coast near Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches. DW left that area when he graduated high school and traveled half-way around the world and back collecting memories and experiences which help shape his characters. Now back in eastern North Carolina, DW enjoys bringing to life characters whose adventures take place in his favorite part of the world.


RIVER DREAM is a young adult novel set in southeastern North Carolina in the late 1970s. The story follows two best friends, Michael and Rhiannon, from middle school through high school, as they learn about loyalty, loss, love, and the real meaning of friendship. Rhiannon and sailing are Michael’s two greatest loves. Sailing is the one thing he can always count on. Rhiannon is the one he can count on to keep him confused.  Michael’s loved Rhiannon since they were kids, but she has rules against dating her best friend. Rhiannon loves Michael, but won’t let herself show it. Then, as high school begins, the new girl in town sets her sites on Michael. What will Rhiannon’s rules cost her, and will she ever get to show Michael she really does love him, too?


DREAMS CHANGE is the much anticipated second book of the River Dream series. It begins four years after high school graduation with Michael’s return to North Carolina after being medically discharged from the Navy. Michael’s dream of a life with Rhiannon changes when she chooses to stay with the Peace Corps in Africa rather than rushing home to be by Michael’s side while he struggles to overcome his wounds and restart his life. Maeve, his summer love from long ago, re-enters his life and a new dream begins to grow in his heart. But his new start is haunted by events that Michael keeps locked deep in his memory.


Thank you for your interest in DREAMS CHANGE, and may all your River Dreams come true.

DREAMS ADRIFT is the much anticipated third book of the River Dream series. It begins immediately after the end of DREAMS CHANGE. In DREAMS ADRIFT, Michael and Maeve are about to renew their vows in the big, beach side wedding Maeve had always dreamed of when Rhiannon’s unexpected arrival threatens to derail their plans. Will Rhiannon be able to win Mike back, or will his new love for Maeve be stronger than his old feelings for his high school sweetheart? The fates once conspired to change Michael’s dreams. Are they now conspiring to set his DREAMS ADRIFT?


Thank you for your interest in DREAMS ADRIFT, and may all your River Dreams come true.

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Author Spotlight for Greta Burroughs.



Author Bio

Greta Burroughs loves to read. No matter where she is, there is always a book close at hand. Her love of reading began at an early age and blossomed over time to include many different genres, her favorite now being fantasy.

As a preschool and elementary school teacher, Greta tried to instill the joy of reading in the children she worked with. Books were an important part of her classroom and story time was the highlight of the day.

It has been a while since Greta was in a classroom but she had lots of experience in reading to children of various ages and remembers what they enjoyed listening to. She tries to incorporate that knowledge into her work as an author and believes it makes her a better writer of children’s and young adult books.

She now resides in SC with her husband, Robert and three dogs. Greta has six books published at the present time; three children’s books in the Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat series, two MG/YA fantasy entitled Gerald and the Wee People and House on Bo-Kay Lane, and a nonfiction account of her experiences with an autoimmune blood disorder called ITP – Heartaches and Miracles.


Book Description

In “Gerald and the Wee People”, Gerald and his best friend, Vernon discover a mysterious spot in the woods where Gerald visualizes a miniature village complete with wee inhabitants. He enjoys going back to that spot and watching the day to day activities until trouble starts in the village and he tries to convince Vernon that the “visions” are real and the wee people need help.

While trying to prove that the whole thing is just Gerald’s wild imagination, the boys literally fall into the new world and get caught up in a war. The boys come up with ways to keep the invading force from entering the village but another solution has to be found in order to put an end to the conflict.

Along with a few companions from the village, Gerald and Vernon embark on a quest to face down the deranged forest god who instigated the mayhem. The dangerous path is laid out by an ancient prophecy, but not everything goes as planned.

The adventure continues in the second book in the Wee People series, “House on Bo-Kay Lane.”

Gerald and Vernon believe their time with the wee people came to an end after they returned to their home world but begin to wonder when strange things started to happen at an abandoned house in their neighborhood. Ghostly images of familiar faces from the wee people village are seen in the windows, echoes of voices from the past haunt the boys’ dreams and an undeniable curiosity draws Gerald and Vernon to investigate the mysterious haunted house. What they find takes them back to the world of the wee people and a new adventure begins.

In “House on Bo-Kay Lane”, a mirror is found in a forgotten room in the far-seers’ training center. Sheela, a far-seer master and Alyson, an apprentice firestarter are unwillingly drawn into the depths of the mirror and wind up in the abandoned house on Bo-Kay Lane. Sheela uses her telepathic skills to enlist the aid of Gerald, Vernon and Gerald’s father, Andrew to help find the way back to the world of the wee people.

That problem resolved, they try to unravel the secrets of the mirror and find that it is a portal between their two worlds, as well as to a time in the future and possibly even to a parallel universe. They also discover that someone is trapped inside the mirror and the decision has to be made as to whether or not to help the trapped soul escape the confines of the portal.

Meanwhile, the wee people discover the origins of their world. That knowledge is not well accepted and leads to discord between them and the outworlders, Gerald, Andrew and Vernon. An uneasy truce paves the way to an understanding and acceptance of the unwelcome facts and eventually to a solution of how to deal with the man in the mirror.

Book three in the series will be out later on this year.

For more information on Greta’s books visit

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The Abduction of Lilly Waters-Tammy Novak Spotlight


Beth had never anticipated her life would end up like it did. The last beating she received at the hands of her boyfriend threw her over the edge. She had to escape him, so she fled taking her daughter Lilly with her. She didn’t know where she’d go, but she didn’t care. All she could manage to think about was her unborn child and her daughter Lilly.

The frequent stops the mother and daughter had to make were uneventful until Beth pulled into a Diner in Moore, Oklahoma where her daughter Lilly was taken by unseen hands.

Detective’s Daniel Prescott and Frank Martinez head the investigation trying relentlessly to solve the case before it’s too late. These days, when children are taken it’s a unified frenzy to find them. In this case, every lead turns up empty and every turn they take reveals a clue they couldn’t have anticipated. The detectives aren’t quite sure where to turn or who to trust; even the mother herself is a prime suspect.

The Abduction of Lilly Waters is a fast paced child abduction thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat in anticipation until the end where you’ll discover the deepest and darkest secret waiting.

Biography of T.M. Novak

Tammy was born in Waterbury, Connecticut eight minutes before her twin brother. She comes from a large family with seven brothers and sisters, and eleven nieces and nephews so far. She grew up in Southern California and currently lives in Prescott, Arizona.

Tammy married her high school sweet heart Gary in 1994 and they have four sons’ together. She received her teaching degree from Northern Arizona University in 2010 and is currently a teacher in Mayer, Arizona.

The Abduction of Lilly Waters is her debut novel and there are several other works in progress; she has a Y.A. series in the works called Butterfly Lake, and a children’s book series called, The Big Green Dinosaur which will be published under Tammy Moore. Her sister Latisha Wood is expected to illustrate them for her.

The things that inspire Tammy the most are family and she always keeps her family at the forefront of her thoughts. She gets her story ideas from her dreams and her children where she takes a simple moment and turns it into a world all its own.

WOW Wednesday: Meet my friend Jerrid Edgington

Awesome post by deetteanderton {http://www.deetteanderton} about Jerrid (The Edge) and “Racing the Reaper”. Thank You


Today my guest is my good friend and author, Jerrid Edgington, known as “The Edge.”

Jerrid has been a Paramedic since 1997 working in four different states. He is currently living and working in Poteau, Oklahoma where he is a Paramedic for Le Flore County EMS. He is happily married to Jody, and they’ve recently had an addition to their family on October 16th when they were blessed with the birth of Zoey, their daughter. Jerrid spent several years as a semi-professional football player, officiated high school varsity football and basketball, and also enjoys woodworking as well as writing in his spare time. Jerrid is currently writing a medical fiction thriller series called Racing the Reaper.


Jerrid’s book,  Racing the Reaper: Book One, is available now! It’s an awesome book, one I highly recommend.
Jerrid shares this about his book:  After a life altering accident that nearly left Jacob Myers paralyzed he…

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