Writing Update

Hello all, it’s been a while since I’ve written on my website, but I decided to give you all an update. I am currently in the planning stages of a new three book medical fiction thriller series. I still have a lot of work to do on it, but I have been plotting characters and the main storyline. I will say the opening scene of the first book, Call Light, is the best I have written to date. It’s tragic and will explain a lot about what makes the main character tick.

My publisher is also in the works of producing a paperback for book three, Reapers Requiem, and book four, Revenge of the Reaper. I cannot express enough how excited I am for that to happen. Eventually I will do a book signing here locally in Oklahoma, but I don’t have any firm dates set yet.

I am continuing to travel nurse and currently working at CHI St. Vincent ER in Hot Spring Arkansas. We are seeing a lot of Covid cases, which include people that are fully vaccinated. I am pro vaccine, but the Covid shot doesn’t stop you from contracting the virus. If it works effectively, it will lesson your chances of hospitalization, and/or death. I will continue to be an advocate for the vaccine, but I will not hold it against anyone if they so choose not to be vaccinated. I believe that it’s a choice, and I respect anyone’s choice.

I will keep you all updated on any upcoming news and try to be more diligent on updating my site. Life has been crazy lately with the pandemic. It can be challenging at times juggling work, family, and writing.

Jerrid Edgington RN

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